
fractals using frax
Envisioning deep see shells

Fascinating fractals are fun to explore. Frax ( makes visualizing the Mandelbrot fractal set fun and easy so long as you have an iPad. You can literally select any point on the set and dive in as deeply as you want to go.

The app comes equipped with many color sets that help to visualize the set differently and delightfully!

It is very easy to spend a significant amount of time exploring the set, the colors, the shininess of the images. They spark the imagination, bringing both real world and imaginary places to life. Whether you are a kid or an adult, using Frax is just plain FUN!

What is your point of view? Many eyes can look at you or with you.

The textures add a whole new imaginative element to the fractal images.

Sometimes they evoke a movie or book – like Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. Other times they evoke a dance scene in a Victorian movie.

I hope that you choose to check out the Mandelbrot fractal set using Frax or some other method. I’d love to see your imaginings. Please feel free to post links in the comments to your creations.