Private Game Reserve – Birds

bird hide
Bird Hide

Another great thing about being on a private game reserve is being able to spend time with any animal you can find! Birds, rhinos, antelope, dung beetles – you name it! This post is designed to share some of the great bird encounters we had this time around.

In early August mornings it can be quite cool outside. We packed our coffee and headed to the picnic tables at the dam. Talking and waiting are just a part of the fun!

private game reserve
Hanging at the dam watching fish eagles

We absolutely love watching fish eagles fishing! On several occasions, at one of the two dams, we saw this eagle doing it’s thing. Unfortunately, it was a series of misses.

Marius is a wing shooter. He and his dogs and mates go out on the hunt for tasty birds during hunting season. He is very good at spotting all animals and birds are no exception. We always stop for sand grouse!

private game reserve

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Sand grouse next to the road

A very common bird is one of the many hornbills. This is a southern yellow hornbill and hey make a distinctive sound and we always know when they are near. They are warning others of our presence. Hunters loathe them.

private game reserve

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Southern Yellow Hornbill

The black breasted eagle is a bit of a misnomer since this bird had a white breast! Never-the-less, it was fun to see this magnificent raptor soaring above us.

private game reserve

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Black breasted eagle soaring over the dam

The red lily pads offer a great pathway for the Black Crake to hunt for breakfast. Others use these pathways through the water to keep out of the mouths of predators. There is one Nile Crocodile here. We saw him briefly.

red lily pads

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Red Lily pads
private game reserve
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Black Crake slipping along the red lily pads

It’s so fun to enjoy the reserve in every way!