Game on a Private Reserve – Antelopes and more

private game reserve antelope wildebeest
Wildebeest or Blue Gnu

One of the best things about being in your own place is being on your own time and able to spend as much of it as you want with each animal. On our private game reserve antelope we We were treated to some incredible animals who allowed us to watch them living their lives. Here are a few of them.

There are a large number of Wildebeest here and watching them was a lot of fun. These animals look as if they were made from a spare parts box!

private game reserve antelope wildebeest
Young Wildebeest with golden cap
antelope wildebeest

Other Antelope

We had waited a long time to really get to see and be with sable antelope. These are magnificent creatures. The males have long, curved horns unlike any other.

antelope sable
Sable Antelope – Male
private game reserve antelope sable
Sable Antelope – Female

The largest antelope in Africa is the Eland. They are very shy, until they get to know you.

antelope eland
Eland Antelope – female
private game reserve antelope eland

Klip springers are one of the smaller antelopes and very shy!

antelope klip springer

Oryx or Gemsbok, are impressive antelope with a unique face and straight horns. Some say that they are the beast that spawned the unicorn mythology. They were very elusive on this trip, but John got a shot!

private game reserve antelope oryx gemsbok
Oryx or Gemsbok antelope

Red hartebeest have horns that curve in toward each other.

antelope red hartebeest
private game reserve antelope

You can always tell the waterbok – they have a wet toilet seat paint mark on their bums!

antelope waterbok
Waterbok – female

Seeing Nyala antelope is a rare treat most places, but this reserve has many! Their lovely white tipped horns are a joy to see.

private game reserve antelope nyala
Nyala Bull

Tsessebe is thought to be the fastest antelope in Africa.

private game reserve antelope Tsessebe

Kudu have beautiful eye lashes and the bulls have curling horns! They can have up to 4 turns on their horns. If you see that, you know it’s a seasoned bull.

private game reserve antelope kudu
private game reserve antelope kudu
Kudu kick up


One day we saw giraffe with a calf! Being a relatively rare sighting, we were thrilled to be a witness. The Mom makes sure the calf is not clearly visible most of the time.

Mom and calf giraffe
 baby giraffe

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