June 22, 2023
I was paddling through the swamp at the end of Round Lake. Suddenly, a realization came through.
There is flow until there isn't. Each frequency tuning back and forth; out of balance to create the flow. When there is ultimate balance, complete balance, there is only Oneness. That's the moment we know Oneness. Until then we can feel the energy flowing back and forth, in and out, and all around: plant to plant, plant to human, human to animal, animal to plant, inanimate objects etc. But when we are in 100% balance, that's when we are One.
More paddling and then another burst.
I am not your source. You are your source. You are always your source. My words may set up a resonance within you that helps you to realize that you are your source, BUT you are your source. I AM NOT YOUR SOURCE. And as we realize and become one universal frequency we are One, but I am not your source. YOU ARE YOUR SOURCE.
More paddling.